Russian has many natural resources which gives the comparative advantage in global area. Other than trade of natural resources, Russia's trade is mostly on steel trade. However, the trade volume and the variety of the goods that have been trading are not satisfying. The numbers would have been higher for Russia. The reason of this issue is going back to Soviet Era. In Soviet Union, the western goods and technologies were out of the country, and mostly Russian products were sold. Lack of competitiveness in the Soviet market did not force the manufacturers in Russia to improve the quality and design of the products. The demand was higher than the supply, therefore low quality products were being sold in the USSR and other COMECON countries. However, after the collapse of the USSR, these products were not demanded in the global market and became obsolete. Consequently, Russia only could trade natural resources and steel.
Another problem of Russia is distribution of the wealth among the nation. Russian is the country who has the most dollar millionaire in the world. The 20 % of the Russian GDP is held by approximately 100 Russian billionaires. The reason for the issue is privatization could not be done properly in Russia after the collapse of the USSR. Some "entrepreneurs" who also known as Oligarchs acquired the Soviet assets for very low prices. Therefore, Russian economy could get the benefits of privatization.
Lack of privatization, economic instability after collapse of the USSR corruption and lack of tradition of capitalism have caused problem for Russia in global trading area.